We give mission support in several ways. First is through our National Presbyterian World Mission program. This support is currently directed to partners serving in the Middle East (Syria, Lebanon & Iraq), Elmarie & Scott Parker. See the kiosk in the entry at church for more info. on their work.
The second way we support is to directly give to people who have become friends of our congregation through personal interaction. Linda & Larry Whiting work with Mission Aviation Fellowship; Anne Thomas works in Southeast Asia with literacy projects, teaching people to read in their native and national languages; and Cami and Andy Flege work with Project Hope Worldwide at the boarding school in Lira Uganda. Each of these missions are supported through the regular church budget. Funds come through the regular offerings in worship services.
Every fifth Sunday we have a “Noisy Offering”. This offering is collected by our middle school or high school students, in metal cans. We drop in coins, thus the noisy name. The young people choose where that special offering will be sent.
Our belief that God is calling all of us to “love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind & strength; and to love our neighbors as ourselves”, compels our response.

Operation Christmas Child
FHPC is a drop off Location for Operation Christmas Child, a national mission project by Samaritan’s Purse. In mid-October we provide Christmas wrapped shoe boxes for our church and community to fill with toys and other items for needy children in 100 nations. Your box may be the first or only gift many of these children have received. We provide suggestion lists to help you shop for age-appropriate toys, hygiene products, and school supplies. Our women’s mission fellowship group, Mary Martha Circle, enjoys filling ten boxes each year. Soon after Thanksgiving, our volunteers pack your filled shoe boxes into shipping containers and our partner Friday Harbor Freight, carries them off the island to another drop off location where they continue on for final inspection and worldwide destinations. The efforts of FHPC result in the donation of over 100 boxes. For more information visit samaritanspurse.org/occ

Project Hope
“One thing I know for sure is that being a child sponsor has blessed us all. It’s a dream of mine to one day soon meet Lydia (my Ugandan daughter) and give her the biggest hug ever!” -Darlene Clark- Why I Chose to Be a Child Sponsor
Sign up today to sponsor a child at http://www.projecthopeworldwide.org and dare to see what blessings God has in store for you! It’s one of the best investments you’ll ever make!