Our Leaders
For Presbyterians, the word elder is about calling, not age. Elders are women and men called by God and the members to serve the church as part of our “Session.” These twelve elders, plus the pastor, support and guide the life and vitality of the church. Elders meet monthly at 6:00 PM, each third Tuesday. When elders are ordained, they promise to serve the people with “energy, intelligence, imagination and love,” under the authority of Jesus Christ.
Current Session Members
Moderator Rev. Greg Lund
Clerk of Session Dan Zaehring
Administration Team
Nominating Committee Dan Zaehring, Chair
Worship Chris Compton, Chair
Personnel Bill Severson, Chair
Congregational Life Candy Dossett, Chair
Discipleship Jenn Johnson, Chair
Missions Bill Hancock, Chair
Lighthouse Pre-school Candy Dossett, Chair
Family & Community Bill Severson, Chair