There are many ways which we can share our gifts that we have been blessed with. Many people find that becoming a volunteer is a great way to be a part of our church family! Here are some examples of opportunities available to you.
Library Upkeep for our church library is done by 1 volunteer. She organizes our fairly extensive collection of books and keeps the space in order.
Severe Weather Shelter activates in our 395 Spring Street location on a rotating basis during periods of severe weather. Guests are supplied with food and a warm place to sleep. The SWS is supported by donations through United Way of San Juan County, and is staffed by local, trained volunteers. This is a new ministry for us and our church’s participation in this community-wide program is spearheaded by 1 member of our church.
Stephen Ministry is on hiatus at this time. Stephen Ministry offers one-to-one Christian care to people experiencing grief or loss due to the death of a loved one, divorce, job loss, illness, or some other life crisis. One member of our church is trained as a Stephen Leader and 5 others as Stephen Ministers. Two people need to be trained as Stephen Leaders in order to revive our service.
Agape Ministry seeks to build friendships in the life of the church family. There are 2 volunteer teams who provide the coffee hour after worship on Sunday, taking turns with the Deacons and the Mary Martha Circle, discussed below. They also plan congregational “game nights”. This is an all-volunteer ministry involving about 3 dozen volunteers. They do not have a regular meeting
Worship Committee consists of 12 members, including 3 paid staff (choir director, organist, and pastor) and 9 volunteers, and meets 4 times per year. The committee is responsible for planning and coordinating the worship services, including music, audio-visuals, sanctuary layout and decor, flowers, ushers, greeters, pew tidiers, communion servers, and worship leaders. The committee also plans special music events and special prayer opportunities.
Audio-Visuals: 4 volunteers and 1 staff work in this ministry that supports both regular and special church services, including working the soundboard and the overhead screens.
Sanctuary Layout and Decor: 2 volunteers coordinate the seasonal decor of the church.
Flowers: an anonymous donor provides for altar flowers each week, with church members encouraged to provide lilies at Easter and poinsettias at Christmas in honor or memory of loved ones.
Ushers: Under the leadership of a volunteer head usher, 22 volunteers take turns providing ushering services for both regular and special church services, including coordinating the passing of the offering plates.
Greeters: Approximately 30 volunteers take turns serving as greeters for regular and special church services, welcoming both members and visitors.
Pew Tidiers: Approximately 20 volunteers take turns tidying the pews after church services, including replenishing offering envelopes, visitor cards, and other supplies.
Facility Maintenance (known as “Sextons”) is a volunteer ministry of men and women who repair or arrange for repairs to our church facilities. There is usually a Sexton-of the-Month in charge for one month at a time. Several volunteers provide help with painting, electrical work, landscaping, walkway upkeep, plumbing, and other maintenance tasks.​